The Fediverse

A passion of The Doodle Project is bringing sanity back to social media. That's why we support and offer a variety of services to The Fediverse.
It is our great pleasure to offer independent verification of journalists, news orgs, and news contributors via This free service brings together authentic, verified accounts from around the Fediverse for you to browse, search, and follow on your own server.
By verifying on, your Fediverse profile will then receive a validation checkmark anchored by the largest, most trusted journalist verification platform on the Fediverse. In addition, verification gets you access to a fantastic wealth of stats on your own customized dashboard showcasing your engagement around the globe with other users.
No matter what Fediverse compatible server you're using (support for ActivityPub), you can get verified today!
Love what we do? You can support us with a tip of $1 or $5 /mo (plus tax) by clicking the link above.
ActivityPub Relay
The Doodle Project, LLC runs one of the largest stable ActivityPub relays in the fediverse!
First and foremost, The Doodle Project, LLC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason whatsoever, including no reason at all. That said, here are the guidelines we are using to manage the Open Activity Pub relay we offer.
- Talk to us - you can start a DM with (at)derek(at) if you have questions.
- Any instance that causes an influx of user generated content that appears to be in the form of hate speech, harassment, bullying, porn, Naziism, white power, illegal things (according to the laws of The United States), doxing, fake accounts of companies or famous people, and fascism, will be removed if/when it is discovered.
- We make every effort to screen the relay instances, but it IS an open relay - that is its intent and purpose - to connect people. When we look at instances, we're looking for:
- Server rules that match our values and expectations (see point 2 above).
- A clear indicator of who the admin is, and we might reach out to say hello and see if they'd like to help support the relay (not required) via a tip.
In order to join the relay, please click here.
Please consider helping fund the relay. A monthly payment of $1 (plus taxes) via credit card can be done here. We also have a $5/mo option for super awesome supporter status here. You can also Venmo us (at)thedoodleproject. All proceeds fund exactly this project. This is NOT required, and we won't nag you; just support us if you can!
We cannot monitor everything - in fact, we don't even try. If you use our relay are getting lots of content in your federated timeline that you find objectionable, first, stop and consider:
- Is it EVERY account from that instance? If it's just a few users, just block/mute/report them.
- If it IS every account that you see, and it fits in with the point #2 above grossness:
- DM (at)derek(at) with the domain name.
- We will look for server rules and admin indicator on the instance in question
- We'll discuss if there are other options
- The Doodle Project will make a determination, at its sole discretion, whether to block the instance.